HGH Supplements

The Truth About HGH Supplements

Bodybuilders have been trying to boost their performance and increase the speed they see results for decades. In today’s world, many attempt to do this by using one or several HGH Supplements.

However, what most bodybuilders do not know is – they are probably wasting their money.

Human Growth Hormone Supplements

HGH Supplements come in many forms – pills, powders, sprays, and lozenges. They claim to increase the secretion of HGH in the pituitary gland, normally with “completely natural ingredients.”

Sounds pretty good, huh?

Well it would be but the fact of the matter is, few products can actually supply these benefits.

HGH Supplements – What Science Says

There’s an endless amount of potential ingredients in an HGH supplement, so choosing even a few can be difficult. However, no matter what the supplements claim, science generally says the opposite.

Many common ingredients like L-Carnitine and L-Arginine have been studied and researchers were able to conclude that they are responsible for several functions related to bodybuilding.

However, scientists generally found that that supplementation generally resulted in results that were statically indifferent. This is most likely because humans can consume enough nutrients to grow and develop faster through their regular diet. Therefore, in most cases, adding an amino acid proved useless.

Other supplements use “natural” herbal extracts, which are even more useless than amino acids. Some studies have found minor benefits through certain herbal extracts but not normally enough to warrant the exaggerated claims from HGH supplement makers.

In reality, the research simply isn’t available because every ingredient hasn’t be tested yet. Many ingredients showed some promise but many ingredients can be naturally consumed and therefore the benefits of them through supplementation are difficult to understand.

Are HGH Supplements Safe?

Another big problem is that many of the herbal extracts have been untested. This creates a huge safety problem. Could these ingredients have side effects? Are there potential health problems as a result of overusing these supplements? We simply don’t know.

Now, for the most part, HGH supplements do appear to be safe. There haven’t been any reports of major issues with HGH supplements but this isn’t to say a report won’t come out.

In many cases, users report the common side effects of dietary supplements like nausea and stomach discomfort. However, other than that, there seem to be few side effects, if any.

In reality, while the supplements may appear to be safe, you should speak to a doctor or medical professional if you plan on using an HGH supplement. Also, make sure to know what is in the supplement before you buy it.

HGH Supplements are Likely Scams

While HGH supplements might promise incredible results, chances are they cannot actually back these claims. Perhaps in the future we’ll know more about these supplements and whether they actually work or not. Until then, who knows what they do, if they do anything.

For right now, you’ll probably want to stick to working hard at the gym and eating right if you want results. It’s safe and more rewarding in the long run.

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